Табы Mayhem на композиции:
Для воспроизведения и редактирования таб, воспользуйтесь Guitar pro.
- A Grand Declaration Of War
- A Time To Die
- Buried By Time And Dust
- Carnage
- Chainsaw Gutsfuck
- Crystalized Pain In Deconstruction
- Deathcrush
- De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
- Freezing Moon
- From The Dark Past
- Funeral Fog
- Ghoul
- Impious Devious Leper Lord
- In The Lies Where Upon You Lay
- I Am Thy Labyrinth
- Life Eternal
- Necrolust
- Pagan Fears
- Pure Fucking Armageddon
- View From Nihil
Для воспроизведения и редактирования таб, воспользуйтесь Guitar pro.